English (ENG)

ENG 1350     Business Communications     3 Credit Hours

Equivalent: ENG 1360

Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 1060 or ESL 2520; or satisfactory score on placement test.

Students will prepare a variety of written and oral business messages with attention to audience, purpose, organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Effective Communication

ENG 1450     Writing and Reading for Problem Solving     3 Credit Hours

ESL Placement Level: For English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students, placement into ESL-2510 or higher.

This course focuses on effective workplace (industrial, technical, retail, service and health professions) and academic communication in the context of the problem solving process. Working collaboratively and individually, students will practice strategies for identifying and defining problems, establishing criteria for effective decision-making, generating solutions, implementing plans and evaluating outcomes. Students will apply these tools to problems drawn from everyday life, academic contexts and the workplace. At every stage of the problem solving process, students will use specific, appropriate written, graphic and/or oral forms of communication. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Critical Thinking

ENG 1510     Composition I     3 Credit Hours

Equivalent: ENG 1510S | ENG 1510E | ENG 1510E

Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 1060 or ESL 2520; or satisfactory score on placement test.

Students will compose several assignments related to expository writing. In addition to reading regularly, students will focus on expository techniques, conveying purpose to an audience, and building successful writing. Students will be introduced to academic research and source documentation. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and critical thinking as well as the generation of writing through drafting and revision. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication

ENG 1510E     Composition I Enhanced     4 Credit Hours

Equivalent: ENG 1510S | ENG 1510 | ENG 1510 | ENG 1510

Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 1060 or ESL 2520; or satisfactory score on placement test.

Focusing on the multi-stage writing process, students will read, analyze, and write expository essays. Students will receive additional instruction and practice to reinforce reading and writing processes. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 4

GE Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication

ENG 1510S     Composition I with Support     6 Credit Hours

Equivalent: ENG 1510 | ENG 1510E | ENG 1510 | ENG 1510 | ENG 1510E

Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 1060 or ESL 2520; or satisfactory score on placement test.

Students will compose several assignments related to expository writing. In addition to reading regularly, students will focus on expository techniques, conveying purpose to an audience, and building successful writing. Students will be introduced to academic research and source documentation. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and critical thinking as well as the generation of writing through drafting and revision. Students will receive additional instruction and practice to reinforce reading and writing processes including developing information literacy, establishing strategies for locating and correcting their own patterns of error, and demonstrating literacy skills appropriate for different audiences and purposes. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 6

GE Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication

ENG 1520     Composition II     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Students will compose several assignments related to academic research and argumentation. In addition to reading academic texts regularly, students will explore argumentation and persuasion while building successful writing with credible research and scholarly documentation. Emphasis will be placed on analysis and critical thinking as well as the generation of writing through drafting and revision. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Information Literacy

ENG 1610     Women in Literature     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will learn to analyze in selected literature the images, archetypes, and stereotypes of women characters and to discover the effects of these literary images upon actual women. The purpose of the course is to indicate the various definitions and roles suggested for women in literature and to increase the student's consciousness of the role women play in society. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 1710     Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Novel     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will read selections of literature with equal emphasis on two genres: short story and novel. The student will establish the identifying characteristics of each genre and the literary principles which underlie both. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 1720     Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will read selections of literature with equal emphasis on two genres: poetry and drama. The student will establish the identifying characteristics of each genre and the literary principles which underlie both. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2200     Professional Communication     4 Credit Hours

Equivalent: ENG 2210 | ENG 2110

Prerequisite: Completion of ENG 1350 ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S; or consent of instructor.

This course will focus on communication skills (writing, speaking, reading, listening) for technical and business fields. Students will use critical thinking skills and various forms of technology to analyze, design, produce, and present written and oral projects individually and in groups. Projects (detailed descriptions, directions, process analysis, memos, letters, proposals, summaries, instructions) will be technical, business, or career-oriented in nature. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 4

GE Outcomes: Effective Communication, Information Literacy

ENG 2300     Science Fiction and Fantasy     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Students will distinguish between science fiction and fantasy. In addition to reading a variety of texts from each genre, students will consider the history of science fiction and fantasy, their cultural role and impact, and critical approaches by which they can be interpreted. Selected trends and schools of thought, such as hard and soft science fiction, anthropological, speculative, cyberpunk, quest fantasy, dark fantasy, and alternative history will be considered within the context of global environment. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2510     American Literature Before the Civil War     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Students will read selections from American literature from colonial times to the Civil War. They will trace the cultural roots of the literature and analyze major themes, styles, and characteristics. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2520     American Literature Since the Civil War     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Students will read selections of American literature from the Civil War to the present. They will trace the cultural roots of the literature and analyze major themes, styles, and characteristics. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2540     World Literature II     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will read literary masterpieces written since the Renaissance. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2550     British Literature Before 1700     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will survey British Literature written up to 1700. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2560     British Literature After 1700     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

The student will survey British Literature from 1700 to the present. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2570     Survey of African American Literature     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

This course surveys the African American literary tradition from its beginning through contemporary writing. Students will trace the cultural, social, and political roots of the literature and analyze major themes, styles, and characteristics. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2650     Children's Literature     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Introduction to Children's Literature acquaints students with a sampling of children's books in a wide spectrum of age level and content, enables students to make informed suitable selection of children's books, and demonstrates effective ways of presentation. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2750     William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories and Sonnets     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E ENG 1510S or consent of instructor.

This course introduces the student to the culture, life, and works of William Shakespeare, with a concentration on two genres: comedies and history plays. Students will study his comedies, his history plays, and selected sonnets. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2760     William Shakespeare: Tragedies, Romances and Selected Poems     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E ENG 1510S or consent of instructor.

This course introduces the student to the culture and literature of Early Modern England through focused study of Shakespeare's Tragedies, his late career plays which are usually classified as 'Romances,' and related poetry. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2770     Contemporary Literature     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

This course will focus on representative works of literature written during the last 20 years from a variety of genres. The course will explore commonalities of technique, theme and style, examine the innovations and trends of contemporary literature, and consider how these works reflect social and cultural trends in the contemporary world. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2780     Introduction to Playwriting and Screenwriting     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

This course will explore the essential elements of playwriting and screenwriting: plot strategy, authentic dialogue, character development, format, publication and production. After reading numerous plays and film scripts, students will compose original creations, receive and provide constructive feedback, and revise their work. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2800     Creative Writing     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S

Students will develop a personal writing style by analyzing various genres, such as fiction, poetry, and drama, and by responding critically to the work of other students. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

GE Outcomes: Aesthetic Awareness

ENG 2820     Advanced Creative Writing     3 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: ENG 2800

Students will continue development of original fiction, poetry, and drama. Emphasis will be placed on developing the individual's artistic vision. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3

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