Geography (GEO)
GEO 1520 World Geography 3 Credit Hours
ESL Placement Level: For English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students, placement in ESL 2520.
The course will explain the modern geographic realms and their physical and human contents through a spatial approach. Contents of the course will include study of human societies and natural environments from environmental determinism to expansion and diffusion from decolonization to devolution. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3
GE Outcomes: Global Understanding and Responsibility
GEO 1540 Physical Geography 4 Credit Hours
ESL Placement Level: For English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students, placement in ESL 2520.
Physical Geography is a lecture and laboratory course devoted to the spatial dimensions of Earth's dynamic system. Areas of consideration include spatial distribution, location and time, energy, air, water, elements of weather and climate, structure of the earth, plate tectonics, landforms, rocks and soils, living organisms, ecosystems, and biomes. This course also investigates the connections humans have to the planet, and how scientists use maps to describe and explain relationships within the physical systems to create a holistic view of the world. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 4
GE Outcomes: Global Understanding and Responsibility, Scientific Literacy
GEO 1700 Michigan Geography 3 Credit Hours
ESL Placement Level: For English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students, placement in ESL 2520.
The course will examine the spatial distribution of human and environmental landscapes of Michigan, focusing on the historical geography of settlement and the human use of the natural environment. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3
GE Outcomes: Global Understanding and Responsibility
GEO 2250 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3 Credit Hours
ESL Placement Level: For English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students, placement in ESL 2520.
Corequisite: GEO 1520, GEO 1540 or GEO 1700 (Recommended)
This course provides an introduction to basic Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This includes the use of computers and other technological tools used by Geospatial Professionals to store, manipulate, display data on maps, and assess geographic information. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 3
GE Outcomes: Global Understanding and Responsibility