Library Services and Technology (LIB.AAS)

Library Services and Technology (LIB.ONL.AAS) - 100% Online

Associate in Applied Science

Human Services

Royal Oak Campus

This associate in applied science degree is designed to prepare students for employment as library and/or information technicians in a wide variety of resource delivery settings, e.g., public, academic, school, business, medical, and legal.

The program gives the student experience in library technology, public services, circulation procedures, cataloging, and document delivery. Students will develop career skills in a required 90-hour practicum arranged at a library of his or her choice.

Library Services and Technology program webpage

Full Time - Library Services and Technology Fall Start program plan example

Full Time - Library Services and Technology Winter Start program plan example

Part Time - Library Services and Technology program plan example

Major Requirements
LIB 1100Information Research Methods2
LIB 1150Introduction to Library Services3
LIB 1200Introduction to Library Technology3
LIB 2000Collection Management3
LIB 2100Library Cataloging3
LIB 2150Library Access Services3
LIB 2170Introduction to Reference Resources3
LIB 2300Interaction and Collaboration in the Library Environment2
LIB 2450Library Practicum2
Required Supportive Courses
CIS 1050Personal Computer Productivity Tools4
COM 12901Interpersonal Communication 3
One additional COM course (COM 2290 recommended if available) 13
ENG 15101Composition I 3-6
or ENG 1510E Composition I Enhanced4
or ENG 1510S Composition I with Support6
ENG 15201Composition II 3
One PSY course (PSY 2630 recommended if available) 13
One SOC course (SOC 2620 recommended if available) 13
Complete one of the following MAT courses3-4
Business Mathematics3
Math Literacy4
Quantitative Reasoning 4
Statistics 4
Complete one of the following CIS courses3-4
Personal Computer Spreadsheet Concepts3
Introduction to Database Systems4
Web Design I4
Introduction to Programming (Java)4
Complete two of the following Fine Arts/Humanities courses6-8
Beginning Arabic I 4
Beginning Arabic II 4
Beginning Chinese I 4
Oral Interpretation of Literature 3
Women in Literature 3
Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Novel 3
Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama 3
Science Fiction and Fantasy 3
American Literature Before the Civil War 3
American Literature Since the Civil War 3
World Literature II 3
British Literature Before 1700 3
British Literature After 1700 3
Survey of African American Literature 3
Children's Literature 3
William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories and Sonnets 3
William Shakespeare: Tragedies, Romances and Selected Poems 3
Contemporary Literature 3
Beginning French I 4
Beginning French II 4
Foundations of Humanities 4
Beginning German I 4
Beginning German II 4
Beginning Italian I 4
Beginning Italian II 4
Beginning Japanese I 4
Beginning Japanese II 4
American Sign Language (ASL) I 3
American Sign Language (ASL) II 3
Beginning Spanish I 4
Beginning Spanish II 4
Total credit hours for Program-Related Courses58-63
General Education Requirements
Communication / English (3-credits)
Fine Arts / Humanities (3-credits)
Mathematics / Science (3-credits)0 or 3
Social Science (3-credits)
Written Communication (3-credits)
Additional elective credits needed to meet requirements for an Associate in Applied Science degree0-2
Total Credit Hours61-68

 Course may be used to meet General Education requirements.

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation.

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