Early Childhood Education (ECE.AAS)

Associate in Applied Science (ECE.AAS)

Human Services

Orchard Ridge Campus

The Early Childhood Education Associate Degree program is designed to develop effective, caring, competent, high-quality early childhood education professionals. This program provides training for effective work with young children in a variety of areas and increased awareness of the sensitivities, vulnerabilities and potential of every child. The program satisfies Michigan state requirements for licensing as directors of child care centers, lead teachers in child care centers, home-based center providers, and support staff in public school early childhood programs and Head Start agencies. It also prepares students to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program in Early Childhood Education thereby increasing their job potential. The program provides experiential and academic training in early childhood education through course work, fieldwork, and internships. A “C” (2.0) or better grade is required in all program major requirements and required supportive courses to qualify for graduation in the program. To enter the program, candidates must provide documentation that they meet the following requirements:

  1. Responsible and suitable character to meet the needs of children (see State of Michigan Child Care licensing requirements);
  2. No history of abuse or neglect of children or the elderly (must obtain DHS Central Registry Clearance);
  3. Criminal background clearance (see State of Michigan Child Care licensing requirements);
  4. Mentally, physically, medically, and cognitively able to care for children.

Early Childhood Education program webpage

Full Time - Early Childhood Education program plan example

Part Time - Early Childhood Education program plan example

Major Requirements
ECE 1404Introduction to Early Childhood Careers3
ECE 1414Early Childhood Activities4
ECE 1424Early Childhood Education Curriculum Content2
ECE 1500Infant and Toddler Curriculum4
ECE 1505Early Childhood Nutrition, Health and Safety3
ECE 1515Family and Community Connections3
ECE 1525School-age Care and Curriculum2
ECE 2405Professional Issues in Early Childhood Education3
ECE 2407Early Childhood Internship Capstone3
ECE 2415Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs3
ECE 2450Educating the 'at Risk' Child in an Early Childhood Environment3
Required Supportive Courses
ENG 15101Composition I 3-6
or ENG 1510E Composition I Enhanced4
or ENG 1510S Composition I with Support6
ENG 15201Composition II 3
PSY 25101Introduction to Psychology 3
PSY 27101Child Development 3
PSY 27301Survey of the Exceptional Child 3
Suggested Electives
ACC 1500Accounting for the Small Business Owner3
BUS 1100Introduction to Business4
BUS 1210Small Business Basics3
BUS 2530Management3
CIS 1050Personal Computer Productivity Tools4
COM 12901Interpersonal Communication 3
COM 16001Fundamentals of Speech 3
ENG 26501Children's Literature 3
PER 2540Medical First Responder/First Responder4
POL 15101Introduction to American Government 3
SLI 1000American Sign Language (ASL) I3
SOC 25101Sociology 3
SOC 2530Racial and Ethnic Group Relations3
SOC 25701Marriage and Family in Modern Society 3
Total Credit Hours for Program-Related Courses48
General Education Requirements
Communication / English (3-credits)
Fine Arts / Humanities (3-credits)3
Mathematics / Science (3-credits)3
Social Science (3-credits)
Written Communication (3-credits)
Additional elective credits needed to meet requirements for an Associate in Applied Science degree6
Total Credit Hours60-63

 Course may be used to meet General Education requirements.

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation.

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