Automobile Servicing - Master Automotive Service Technician (AUS.MAST.CT)


Engineering/Manufacturing and Industrial Technology

Auburn Hills Campus

The Automobile Servicing Master Automotive Service Technician certificate program is designed to prepare students for entry-level servicing operations in the automotive field. This program consists of ten specialized courses designed in accordance with the mandatory Auto Mechanic Certification tests required for state licensure. Completion of the program prepares the student to take the State of Michigan certification exams for licensing in up to eight areas of specialization.

A large portion of class time will be spent in the laboratory, allowing the student to gain work experience in automobile servicing. Safety and employability skills are emphasized. Students will be required to obtain eye protection, ear protection, and appropriate work uniforms at their own expense.

Automobile Servicing program webpage

Full time - Automobile Servicing - Master Automotive Service Technician program plan example

Part Time - Automobile Servicing  Master Automotive Service Technician program plan example

Major Requirements
AUT 10001Automotive Fundamentals 4
AUT 11001Automotive Brake Systems Service 4
AUT 12001Front Suspension & Steering Service 4
AUT 13001Automotive Electrical Systems Servicing 4
AUT 1350Automotive Advanced Electrical and Electronics4
AUT 1400Engine Support Systems Servicing4
AUT 1500Automotive Tune-Up & Emissions Service4
or AUT 1375 Automotive Hybrid and Electric Vehicles4
or AUT 1900 Light Duty Diesel Engine Operation and Diagnostics4
AUT 1600Automotive Transmission Servicing4
AUT 1700Manual Transmission and Axle Service4
AUT 1800Automotive Air Conditioning & Heating Service4
Total Credit Hours40

AUS.MLR.CA consists of these courses

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation.  

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