Paralegal - Post-Bachelor Degree Professional Paralegal (PLG.CT)


Business, Management, Marketing and Technology

Orchard Ridge Campus

The Paralegal certificate leads to a Post-Bachelor Degree Professional Paralegal certificate. This program is designed to provide the legal profession with qualified paraprofessionals who will perform legal research, aid in discovery and analyze evidence in preparation for litigation in the various court systems at the local, state and national levels. Students may participate in an internship as part of their training.

To qualify for a Paralegal certificate, the student must have completed a bachelor degree from a regionally accredited four-year institution of higher learning and must complete the courses listed as Paralegal Major Requirements below.

Requirements for acceptance into the program

Prior to the student’s enrollment in the first course sequence within the program, the student must complete an interview with the PLG Program Coordinator.

Paralegal program webpage

Full Time - Paralegal Certificate program plan example

Part Time - Paralegal Certificate program plan example

Major Requirements
BUS 2030Business Law I3
BUS 2040Business Law II3
PLG 2100Legal Research3
PLG 2110Litigation4
PLG 2120Legal Writing4
PLG 2130Substantive Law4
PLG 2140Evidence Preparation and Property Law4
PLG 2160Legal Ethics2
PLG 2611Legal Technology3
PLG 2612eDiscovery3
Complete one of the following Special Topics courses (See Special Topics list below):2
Recommended Electives
CIS 1050Personal Computer Productivity Tools4
PLG 2510Paralegal Internship3
Total Credit Hours35

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation.

NOTE: A Paralegal is not licensed to practice law but does perform specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible. Paralegals are bound to the same recognized ethical standards and rules of professional responsibility as a lawyer.  Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public except as permitted by law.

Special Topics

PLG 2601Special Topics: Bankruptcy Law2
PLG 2602Special Topics: Criminal Law2
PLG 2603Special Topics: Employment Law2
PLG 2604Special Topics: Immigration Law2
PLG 2605Special Topics: Family Law2
PLG 2606Special Topics: Probate Law2
PLG 2607Special Topics: Intellectual Property2
PLG 2608Special Topics: Real Estate Law2
PLG 2609Special Topics: Business Organizations2
PLG 2613Special Topics2
PLG 2614Special Topics2
PLG 2615Special Topics2
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