General Education Distribution Requirements

In order to provide a broad exposure in the General Education experience, students are encouraged to involve themselves in factual, creative and intuitive discovery in various fields. Distribution requirements expose the student to a breadth of disciplines.

Courses that Satisfy General Education Distribution Requirements


COM 1290Interpersonal Communication3
COM 1600Fundamentals of Speech3
COM 2290Intercultural Communication3
COM 2610Persuasion and Argumentation3
COM 26203Oral Interpretation of Literature 3
ENG 14501Writing and Reading for Problem Solving 3
ENG 15101Composition I 3
or ENG 1510E Composition I Enhanced4
or ENG 1510S Composition I with Support6
ENG 15201Composition II 3

Fine Arts/Humanities

ARB 1510Beginning Arabic I4
ARB 1530Beginning Arabic II4
ART 1510Drawing I3
ART 15202-D Design3
ART 1530Acrylic Painting3
ART 1540Introduction to Ceramics3
ART 1550Sculpture3
ART 1560Art Appreciation3
ART 1570Oil Painting3
ART 1600Watercolor Painting3
ART 1610Jewelry3
ART 1640Art History I: Survey from Prehistoric through Medieval3
ART 1660Art History II: Survey from the Renaissance to Present3
CHI 1510Beginning Chinese I4
COM 26203Oral Interpretation of Literature 3
ENG 1610Women in Literature3
ENG 1710Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Novel3
ENG 1720Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama3
ENG 2300Science Fiction and Fantasy3
ENG 2510American Literature Before the Civil War3
ENG 2520American Literature Since the Civil War3
ENG 2540World Literature II3
ENG 2550British Literature Before 17003
ENG 2560British Literature After 17003
ENG 2570Survey of African American Literature3
ENG 2650Children's Literature3
ENG 2750William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories and Sonnets3
ENG 2760William Shakespeare: Tragedies, Romances and Selected Poems3
ENG 2770Contemporary Literature3
ENG 2780Introduction to Playwriting and Screenwriting3
ENG 2800Creative Writing3
FRE 1510Beginning French I4
FRE 1530Beginning French II4
FSH 1500Foundations of Humanities4
GER 1510Beginning German I4
GER 1530Beginning German II4
GLS 25102Introduction to Global Studies 3
GLS 25202Global Issues and Challenges 3
HIS 15102World Civilizations to the Beginning of the Modern Era 4
HIS 15202World Civilizations from the Modern Era 4
HUM 1510Arts and Literature: Origins of Western Traditions3
HUM 1520Arts and Literature: Renaissance Through Modern3
HUM 1710World Religions3
HUM 1900Introduction to Film3
HUM 2104Introduction to Documentary3
HUM 2720Bible3
ITA 1510Beginning Italian I4
ITA 1530Beginning Italian II4
JPN 1510Beginning Japanese I4
JPN 1530Beginning Japanese II4
MUS 1500Voice I2
MUS 1510Piano I2
MUS 1530Fundamentals of Music2
MUS 1560Listening to Music: 'Classical' to Jazz3
MUS 1570Guitar I2
MUS 1585Listening to Music: World Music3
MUS 1590Listening to Music: Rock to Hip-Hop3
MUS 1601Voice II2
MUS 1611Piano II2
MUS 1671Guitar II2
PHI 1510Introduction to Philosophy3
PHI 1520History of Modern Philosophy3
PHI 1610Ethics3
PHI 1710Introduction to Informal Logic3
PHI 2710Introduction to Formal Logic3
PHO 1220Beginning Darkroom Photography3
SLI 1000American Sign Language (ASL) I3
SLI 1010American Sign Language (ASL) II3
SLI 1030American Sign Language (ASL) IV3
SPA 1510Beginning Spanish I4
SPA 1530Beginning Spanish II4
THE 1561Introduction to Theatre3
THE 1571Acting I3
THE 1580Acting II3


BIO 15004Environmental Science 4
BIO 15114Life Science 4
BIO 15304Molecular and Cellular Biology 4
BIO 15604Organismal Biology - Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution 4
BIO 1570Microbiology of Health and Disease3
BIO 1600Human Structure and Function3
BIO 25404General Zoology 4
CHE 10004Introductory Chemistry 4
CHE 13204Survey of Organic and Biochemistry 4
CHE 15104General Chemistry I 4
CHE 15204General Chemistry II 4
FSN 1500Foundations of Natural and Life Sciences4
GEO 15404, 5Physical Geography 4
GEO 22505Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3
GSC 15304Introductory Geology 4
GSC 15804Astronomy 4
GSC 1590Cosmology4
GSC 16204Introduction to Environmental Geology 4
MAT 1150Intermediate Algebra4
MAT 1500Finite Mathematics4
MAT 1525Quantitative Reasoning4
MAT 1540College Algebra4
MAT 1560Trigonometry3
MAT 1580Statistics4
MAT 1600Applied Calculus4
MAT 1630Precalculus5
MAT 1730Calculus I4
MAT 2530Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I4
PHY 10314Concepts in Physics 4
PHY 16104College Physics I 4
PHY 16204College Physics II 4
PHY 24004Engineering Physics I 5
PHY 25004Engineering Physics II 5

Social Science

ANT 1540Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 1550Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANT 2750Myth, Magic and the Anthropology of Religion3
ECO 2610Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECO 2620Principles of Microeconomics3
GEO 1520World Geography3
GEO 15404, 5Physical Geography 4
GEO 1700Michigan Geography3
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3
GLS 25102Introduction to Global Studies 3
GLS 25202Global Issues and Challenges 3
HIS 15102World Civilizations to the Beginning of the Modern Era 4
HIS 15202World Civilizations from the Modern Era 4
HIS 1550Contemporary World3
HIS 1700Michigan History3
HIS 2510United States History to 18773
HIS 2520United States History from 1877 to the Present3
HIS 2610African American History to 18773
HIS 2620African American History From 1877 to The Present3
POL 1510Introduction to American Government3
POL 2520Urban and State Politics3
POL 2530International Relations3
POL 2610Comparative World Politics3
PSY 2510Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 2630Psychology of Organizational Behavior3
PSY 2710Child Development3
PSY 2810Psychology of Adjustment3
PSY 2820Social Psychology3
SOC 2510Sociology3
SOC 2570Marriage and Family in Modern Society3
SOC 2620Sociology of Diversity3

Written Communication

ENG 1350Business Communications3
ENG 14501Writing and Reading for Problem Solving 3
ENG 15101Composition I 3-6
or ENG 1510E Composition I Enhanced4
or ENG 1510S Composition I with Support6
ENG 15201Composition II 3
ENG 2200Professional Communication4

This course will apply toward Communication/English or Written Communication, but not both.


GLS 2510, GLS 2520, HIS 1510 and HIS 1520 may apply for either Social Science or Fine Arts/Humanities, but not both.


This course will apply toward Communication/English or Humanities, but not both.


These courses satisfy the Natural Science Lab Science Requirement.


This course will apply toward Social Science or Math/Science, but not both.

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