General Education Requirements

It is the philosophy of Oakland Community College that General Education is intended for all students. OCC offers a variety of General Education opportunities to enable students to acquire and apply a broad foundation of knowledge and skills needed to be productive and responsible citizens of a changing world. All students enrolled at the college will experience learning in at least one General Education outcome in each course they take at OCC.


General Education will enable students to acquire and apply a broad foundation of knowledge and skills needed to be productive and responsible in a changing world.


The Oakland Community College General Education distribution courses and other campus experiences lead to the development of the following:

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Effective Communication
  3. Global Understanding and Responsibility
  4. Information Literacy
  5. Personal Development
  6. Social Responsibility
  7. Quantitative Literacy
  8. Scientific Literacy
  9. Aesthetic Awareness

This list was derived from the College faculty’s rigorous research reviews in the following areas:

  • Knowledge and skills desired by employers for college graduates.
  • Knowledge and skills necessary for success in the most common adult roles of citizen, worker and family member to trends in other colleges and universities.

The General Education Distribution requirements will provide the student with an in-depth focus on the 9 outcomes through exposure to a breadth of disciplines. For a comprehensive description of each General Education Outcome, please visit

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