Management Development - Business Management (MGT.BUS.AAS)

Business Management (MGT.BUS.ONL.AAS) - 100% Online

The Management Development - Business Management program leads to an Associate in Applied Science Degree. Business occupations provide thousands of opportunities for people trained to supervise and manage employees in many different business environments. The Business Management curriculum provides skills essential for leadership in operations and general management.

Management Development - Business Management program webpage

Full Time - Management Development - Business Management program plan example

Part Time Management Development - Business Management program plan example

Major Requirements
ACC 1500Accounting for the Small Business Owner3
or ACC 1810 Principles of Financial Accounting4
BUS 1100Introduction to Business4
BUS 1310Supervision3
BUS 2030Business Law I3
BUS 2530Management3
BUS 2600Principles of Advertising3
BUS 2640Marketing Fundamentals3
BUS 2800Human Resource Management3
Required Supportive Courses
ENG 13501, 2Business Communications 3
ENG 22002Professional Communication 4
Select one of the following COM courses:3
Interpersonal Communication 3
Fundamentals of Speech 3
Select a minimum of 9 credits from the following:9
Principles of Managerial Accounting4
Internship/Co-op I3
Business Law II3
Internship/Co-op II3
Business and Labor Relations3
Personal Computer Productivity Tools4
Personal Computer Spreadsheet Concepts3
Personal Computer Database Concepts3
Web Design I4
Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Stress Management: Neuromuscular Relaxation2
Medical First Responder/First Responder4
Total Credit Hours for Program-Related Courses44-45
General Education Requirements
Communication / English (3-credits)
Fine Arts / Humanities (3-credits)3
Mathematics / Science (3-credits)3
Social Science (3-credits)0 or 3
Written Communication (3-credits)
Additional elective credits needed to meet requirements for an Associate in Applied Science degree8-12
Total Credit Hours62

Prospective transfer students should take ENG 1510 ENG 1510E or ENG 1510S.


Course may be used to meet General Education requirements.

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation.

Prospective transfer students should consult with their transfer institution to verify selected course transferability.

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