Digital Media Communications (DMC.CT)


Arts and Communication

Given the changing dynamics of communication in this digital age, this certificate program will introduce students to the new theories surrounding digital persuasion.  It offers students instruction in communication, advertising, and the creation of digital images.  The program offers professional and technical experiences in persuasion, graphic design, digital imaging, and business concepts to prepare students for careers in digital communication.

Organizations across all realms depend on online visibility and targeted client interactions.  New positions requiring focused skills in digital communication are being created within private and public sector organizations.  This certificate will offer students experience in these critical aptitudes and is intended for individuals who desire entry-level employment in the field of digital communication and persuasion.

Full Time - Digital Media Communications program plan example

Part Time - Digital Media Communications program plan example

Major Requirements
BUS 1100Introduction to Business4
BUS 2600Principles of Advertising3
or BUS 2640 Marketing Fundamentals3
CIS 1090Web Graphic Concepts3
COM 1600Fundamentals of Speech3-6
or ENG 1510 Composition I3
or ENG 1510E Composition I Enhanced4
or ENG 1510S Composition I with Support6
COM 2610Persuasion and Argumentation3
GRD 1100Graphic Design3
or GRD 1120 Typography in Design3
GRD 1160Advertising Design3
PHO 1700Beginning Digital Photography4
PHO 1800Fundamentals of Digital Video4
Total Credit Hours30-33

A minimum cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA) overall is required for graduation. 

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